Table of Contents
Flat Earth Society is the Psyop!
Juniper Downs admits YouTube hides Flat Earth Truth
Horizon always rises to Eye Level
High Alt Balloon 100,000 ft high
High Altitude Balloon Does Not Lie
Horizon from Cockpit
Horizon from Cockpit at 38000 ft
horizon from plane pic
horizon from plane pic
Plane trip to Fiji shows no curve
horizon with Jet
Plane view 240,000 feet high
Sunrise above the clouds
Fisheye Lens Lake Tahoe Curve
Fisheye Lens Truth
Fisheye Lens goof
Felix Baumgartner Red Bull Jump
Red Bull Jump with & without Fisheye lens
Curvature formula Spherical Trigonometry
Curvature formula
Curvature formula Pythagorean theorem
Curvature or Drop Formula diagram
Horizon Distance formula
Freemason Science
The Elite are Luciferian Freemasons
It's no longer a Coincidence
Oahu from Kauai 93 miles away
Oahu horizon 300+ Miles Wide
Barre Des Ecrins Highest Mt Peak 273 Miles away
Cabo San Lucas 760 miles away
Chicago Skyline proves FE
Rogers Centre from Lake Ontario
We never see horizontal curvature
Sea Level compared to Paper Towel
Zoomed in pics - Boats do not go over the curve
Vanishing Point diagram
Horizon is line of convergence
Coin disappears from bottom up on table
Angular Resolution, NOT curvature
Perspective is not curvature
Lights in tunnel appear to set
Refraction not curvature
Law of Perspective
Lights setting in hallway compared to Sun setting
How our eyesight works
It's all about Perspective
Street lights set just like the sun
We can't even see the end of a hallway
Perspective meme
Refraction meme
Table is FLAT
My Angry Bird dinner table pic
We cannot see forever!
Light reflection proves Water is FLAT
Reflection on Curve vs Plane
Flat Floor vs Flat Ocean
Sea Level is LEVEL!
Bodies of water lie FLAT
Science of Water
Sea Level, not Sea Curve
Properties of Water
Bodies of water don't Bend or Curve
Bendy Water is not Measurable nor Repeatable
Planes would have to dip its nose every 5 mins
Planes do NOT adjust for Curvature
Gyroscopes prove Earth is FLAT
Jets don't dip their nose to account for curvature
SR-71 Top Speed proof
Polaris hasn't moved in 3000 yrs
Every Science Experiment proves Earth flat & motionless
Earth is not spinning 1040 MPH
Earth's 4 different vectors of motion
The pagan Heliocentric Globe LIE
Heliocentric Sun worshipping theory
Stars Prove we are Motionless
Cant see curve, Cant feel spin
Constellations Never Change throughout History
Fixed Stars & Wandering Stars
Stars are not balls of Fire
CGI vs P900 camera
Did you know Disney's Pluto and Planet Pluto were both created in 1930?
Real Planets through P900 Camera
Sun and Moon are small and local
We're told Sun is 400 times bigger than Moon
Scientism cannot agree!
Fake Sun vs Real Sun
Cloud Behind Sun
Sun inside the clouds
See the hotspot on the cloud?
How is the 93 million mile high Sun touching the clouds that are 5-10 miles high?
Sun truth
Sun in FRONT of horizon proves sun is small and local
Crepuscular sun rays prove sun is local
Sunlight - Eratosthenes vs Reality
EPIC vs Apollo Image of Earth
Sun does NOT cause Moon phases
Moon is not a sphere but a Circle
Tycho Crater always faces Earth
Tycho Crater question
Why can we see Tycho Crater (50 miles wide)
Moon gravity should pull water out of glass
Star visible THROUGH Moon🌙
Proof that the Moon is Translucent!
Moon color adapts to atmosphere it's in
Stars through moon
How does the 2000 mile wide Moon have a 70 mile wide shadow?
Shadows are NEVER smaller than the object itself!
Shadows only grow BIGGER - never smaller
Rob Simmon (Mr Blue Marble) admits "It's PHOTOSHOPPED!"
Rob Simmon's Admission full quote
Why are clouds cloned if this is a real picture?
Einstein ADMITS Earth is Motionless!
Bill Nye admits Earth is a CLOSED system
Hubble Admits Geocentrism is UNWELCOME and must be AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS? Why?
Federal Govt funds SpaceX $4.9 Billion!
Project Mars and Elon coincidence
Polish & Soviet Astronauts admit FE
Russian Cosmonaut admits no one has been to space
Kelly Smith admits we havent been past Van Allen Belts
Terry Virts admits we cannot go past Low Earth Orbit!
Don Petitt says NASA Lost Everything!
Father of Big Bang, Georges Lamaitre
Creators of NASA are Occultists & Nazis
Scientific method is Pseudoscience
Michio admts Heliocentrism is WRONG by Trillions!
Prophets of Scientism
Why are all our planets named after Roman gods?
Obvious Pattern of Freemasonry
100+ Scientists Disagree with Einstein's Theories
It's a club - and you aint in it!
yup - even Disney is in on it!
This press conference 3 months later is a joke!
You can't fake body language!
Holland's "Moon Rock" turned out to be PETRIFIED WOOD!
NASA steals $62 Million a day to lie to us!
Stanley Kubrick directed "2001 Space Odessey" in 1968
Gold tin foil? Really NASA??
Shadows from one light source (Sun) would all be parallel
Shadows from multiple light sources (stage lights) would NOT be parallel
This piece of junk wouldn't float in my swimming pool!
Where is the blast crater from the 10,000 pound thrust engine?
It's obviously a Stage Set
Who took this pic, NASA?
Live video feed and phone calls from the Moon with no delay in 1969??
Where are the tire tracks?
how did they take their helmets off for a picture when the Moon has NO OXYGEN?
Increase levels in photoshop to prove the Earth image was cut & pasted!
Space violates 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
23 Torr vacuum pressure crushes steel tanker trailer!
176 Torr pressure (Top) vs 0.00000000000000001 Torr pressure (Bottom)
The Vacuum of space is Trillions of times MORE powerful!
This is what Space suits would do in space!
Space needs a container or it will suck up our atmosphere
Space cannot exist next to a pressurized system without a container
A Pressurized system ALWAYS requires a container!
Air Pressue CANNOT exist without a container
Ridiculous Gas pressure theories NASA wants you to believe!
Gases cannot form a ball in a Vacuum!
High pressure ALWAYS moves to Low pressure according to 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
A vacuum does NOT transfer heat. Space is 10-17 Torr Vacuum pressure.
Rockets CANNOT work in Space!
Space vacuum has zero air pressure. So what does the Shuttle push against?
Rockets don't go to space!
Here is the edge!
Ice wall is 200-300 feet high
Oceans are enclosed by Ice Wall
Antarctic Treaty prevents any independent exploration
U.N. Flag shows Flat Earth Map!
Those who control the "globe" have a Flat Earth map in their Logo!
Official Antarctic Tour Boat Route
Cpt James Cook sailed 60,000 miles along Antarctic Coastline never finding an inlet beyond
Admiral Byrd flew beyond Ice Wall and saw more Land!
Biblical verses supporting Antarctica ice wall as limit
Biblical verses supporting Antarctica encompassing us
Looks like a Circle from God's point of view!
Isaiah knew the Difference. A circle is NOT a sphere
"...Spreadeth out Heavens as a Tent"
Earth is "IMMOVABLE AND FIRM" according to the Bible
Bible supports flat nonrotating earth
God stopped Tower of Babel, but not space missions?
He only gave us dominion over Earth
Did you know: Sun was created on day 4?
Kola Superdeep Borehole is 7.6 Miles deep
Earth's measurements are unknown!
Earth and heaven above cannot be measured or searched
Van Allen Radiation Belts are the Firmament!
Waters above and waters below
Earth takes shape like Clay...
We're in a Perfectly Designed Timepiece
Are the Northern Lights the "rainbow" around God's Throne?
Northern Lights colors
Northern lights compared to Rev 4
Could God's Throne be above the Northern lights?
Sky Stone blue like Sapphire
Bible says Firmament appears to be made of Sapphire stone
"waters above the firmament"
Stars are small and in our firmament
240+ Scriptures support flat immovable earth
Biblical references. Flat earth vs heliocentric theory
Biblical references to flat earth model
240+ Scriptures supporting flat earth
Did you know 1959 Bibles showed a Flat Earth Map?
What is the Firmament?
Firmament = Dome
Biblical Creation
Ancient Hebrew view of Universe
Flammarion with Psalm 19:1
Which flight path makes more sense?
The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line!
Bali to LA
Auckland to Lima
Dallas to Beijing
England to Texas
South Africa to Australia
"Great Circle Route"
Vancouver to Hong Kong
South America to Australia always crosses Equator
New York to Seattle
Why are there no flights over Antarctica?
Why no North-South circumnavigation trips?