"In a world of Universal Deceit, telling the Truth is a Revolutionary Act" - George Orwell
Truth is Censored Feared Freedom! Revolutionary!
Do you still believe we landed on the Moon even though we haven't been back since 1972 because we "destroyed that technology"?
Once you learn the truth about Flat Earth, you will see through all the lies and propaganda in our world. Your eyes will be opened and you will never be deceived again!
Are you ready to break out of the Matrix? Watching these videos may keep you up all night, but the truth will set you free!
Wear bold truth statements to spark conversation or wake up your friends! T-shirts, Coffee Mugs, Stickers and more.
Did you know the Coelacanth fish that was supposedly EXTINCT for 66 Million years was found in 1938?
The oldest known Coelacanth fossils are allegedly over 410 million years old. Scientists said Coelacanths were extinct in the Late Cretaceous, around 66 million years ago, but were discovered living off the coast of South Africa in 1938. Whoops!
If you look at the fossil picture to the left and compare it to the living Coelacanth fish next to the diver, where is the evolution? Shouldn’t the fish have evolved after 66 Million years? It still looks identical!
Evolution is a hoax! If you found a Rolls-Royce in the middle of the desert, would you conclude it was formed after millions of years? or would you conclude that someone had created/built it? A Rolls-Royce cannot create itself no matter how many times you blow up an auto junk yard even given billions of years! How much more complex is the human body than a car?
The antecedent to any creation is a creator.
Did you know Boats don’t disappear over the curvature like we were taught in school?
We were all taught that boats go “over the horizon” since 5th Grade right? Well we were all hoodwinked and lied to. Now that I have a Nikon P900 Camera, I can zoom in to any boat that has disappeared and bring it back into full view! That tells us that there is no physical curvature. Instead, boats disappear because of perspective, vanishing point, and angular resolution. If there is no measurable physical curvature, that means the Earth is flat.
We all know that bodies of water lay flat like Sea Level. We’re also told that Earth is 71% water. Now that we’re all grown up and can think critically, do you now actually believe that bodies of water thousands of miles long bend to make the perfect shape of a ball?
Did you know Polaris (North Star) has Never moved an inch throughout History?
According to Heliocentric theory, Earth is supposedly rotating on Earth’s axis at 1040 mph, hurling around the Sun at 66,600 mph, while the Solar System is shooting 500,000 mph through the Milky Way Galaxy, and our Galaxy is ripping through our Universe at a ridiculous 1.3 Million mph! With these 4 vectors of contrary motion, how can you explain the lack of Stellar Parallax? The North Star has never moved from its position for thousands of years since the beginning of recorded time. All other stars rotate perfect concentric circles around it with no parallax.
This is conclusive proof that Earth is fixed and stationary and the Stars are moving above!
Did you know there are no real pictures of the Earth in full spherical view? All we have are CGI.
Just ask NASA Lead Data Visualizer and Designer Rob Simmon who admits this about his 2002 Blue Marble Earth image:
“It is photoshopped, but it has to be. We wrapped the flat map around a ball. My part was integrating the surface, clouds, and oceans to match people’s expectations of how Earth looks from space. That ball became the famous Blue Marble.”
Those are his words in quotes, not mine! That’s right, if you really pay attention, Astronauts and Scientists debunk themselves!

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to contact me!
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If you have any questions, comments, or even T-shirt suggestions, feel free to contact me!