Flat Earth

The Mother of all Conspiracies!

Why have we never seen video footage of the Earth like this, showing no curvature?

Sure looks flat and level with a small local Sun!

Did you know crepuscular divergent sunrays prove a small and local sun?

We’re told the sun is 93 Million miles away. If this were true, the sun’s rays would be parallel anywhere we see them. However this is not what we see! We can trace the angle of the rays back to their source above the clouds. Anyone can do this science experiment with a flashlight and cardboard with holes in it.

There are also multiple videos showing the sun in front of the clouds with a hotspot on the clouds. This could not happen if the sun were 93 million miles away! The sun is clearly small and local. Don’t trust NASA and scientism – trust your senses! 

Did you know YouTube admits they censor Flat Earth truth?

Juniper Downs, Global Head of Public Policy for YouTube,  admitted they censor Flat Earth! Ask yourself why they don’t want you to know the truth about Flat Earth.
Would they censor it if it was a lie or if it was the truth?
Does government ever censor the truth? JFK? 9/11? C0v1d? (Yes!)

If you’ve ever read George Orwell’s book 1984 you’ll know why the government hides truth. Not only do they hide it, they use propaganda to lie to us in order to control us. The first thing you do to control a population is lie to them and make them think they evolved from monkeys and were created by a random accident. This makes us forget our divine creation and who we really are.

Did you know ‘Flat Earth Society’ is controlled opposition to make you ridicule Flat Earth?

Did you laugh when you first heard the term Flat Earth? That’s okay, so did I! We were all indoctrinated since grade school with the globe in every classroom. We never questioned it because we were too young for critical thought. Now that we’re older and critical thinkers, we want the truth!

Every time you search Flat Earth in Google or YouTube, you get the same results from government shills and controlled opposition. Why is that? They always promote Flat Earth Society and shils that lie about what flat earth is so that you can laugh at it then never research it again.

That’s exactly what I did when I first researched this and found the FE Society website. I read it for 5 minutes then laughed at how ridiculous it was then never researched it again for another year.

No real Flat Earth researcher believes in the Flat Earth Society. Flat Earth is NOT a disk floating upwards in space, because space is fake! There is no “space” as we know it. There is only our flat non-rotating Earth and the firmament that rotates above us. 

We are the center of God’s beautiful creation. 

Top 10 Proofs that Earth is Flat & Nonrotating

1 No observable or measurable curvature.

If Earth is supposedly 24,901 miles in circumference, then the curvature rate would be 8 inches per mile squared. We were taught in government schools that boats disappear over the horizon. But if you have a Nikon P900 83X zoom camera, you can zoom in to a boat (once it’s disappeared from view over the horizon) and bring it back into full view! This proves that it doesn’t disappear over a physical horizon, but due to our eye’s perspective. Just like we can see islands, cities and mountains over hundreds of miles away when they should be hidden behind the Earth’s curvature.

It’s a scientific empirical fact that water level and sea level is perfectly flat & level. If bodies of water do not bend or curve and Earth is 71% water, where does water bend to form a sphere?

2 Lack of Stellar Parallax.

Earth is supposedly rotating on its axis at 1038 mph at the equator, hurling around the Sun at 66,600 mph, while the Solar System is shooting 500,000 mph through the Milky Way Galaxy, and our Galaxy is ripping through our Universe at a ridiculous 1.3 Million mph! With these 4 vectors of contrary motion, how can you explain the lack of Stellar Parallax? The North Star, Polaris, has never moved an inch from its position for thousands of years since the beginning of recorded time! All other stars rotate perfect concentric circles around it with no parallax.  This is conclusive proof that Earth is stationary while the stars in the Firmament rotate above us.

3 Lack of detectable Earth spin.

We’re told that the surface of the earth is rotating 1038 mph (at the equator) west to east. This is easily measurable by anyone, yet no movement has ever been detected. Every single scientific experiment that’s been done (e.g., Michelson-Morley, Airy’s Failure, etc.) to detect earth’s movement have all produced a “null result”!
A direct test that anyone can do is to fly a helicopter straight up for a few miles, then hover for an hour. When you come back down, you should be roughly 1000 miles away from where you lifted off from. However, this never happens because we are not moving! To make this even more absurd, remember that we’re supposedly moving in four different directions – all at once! (See #2 for more details)

4 Gas pressure cannot exist next to a vacuum without a container. This goes against science and the laws of physics! Any pressurized system needs a container to measure that pressure, like a tire. The unmatched powerful vacuum of Space (10-17 Torr) cannot lie next to our pressurized atmosphere (760 Torr) without a container. The laws of physics, specifically the second law of Thermodynamics, states that the vacuum of space should spontaneously equalize the pressure of earth’s atmosphere and increase entropy! This means that our atmosphere should be sucked into the vacuum of space if space is real!

Space is science fiction and only exists in Hollywood movies!

5 Planes fly level and never dip their nose to adjust for curvature. An airplane traveling 500 mph would have to compensate for a drop of 2,777 ft every minute to maintain cruising altitude and not fly off into “space”. Gyroscopes always remain level for hours throughout worldwide airplane flight travel. Every commercial and military aircraft uses an attitude indicator, aka artificial horizon. This works by means of a spinning gyroscope which maintains the plane’s horizontal attitude. The most important property of a gyroscope for a pilot is rigidity in space. That means if a plane flies over a mountain and has to fly upward or downward, the gyroscope would show that incline/decline. The spinning gyroscope always stays fixed and rigid in space. Commercial planes regularly fly level for 10+ hours and never adjust for any curvature.

6 There are no real pictures of the globe Earth.

Why? Because Earth is not a spinning ball in a vacuum but a flat non-rotating plane like all empirical evidence proves!

Just ask NASA Lead Data Visualizer and Designer Rob Simmon who admits this about his 2002 Blue Marble Earth image: “It is photoshopped, but it has to be. We wrapped the flat map around a ball. My part was integrating the surface, clouds, and oceans to match people’s expectations of how Earth looks from space. That ball became the famous Blue Marble. Those are his words in quotes, not mine!

7 Government agencies like NASA, C1A, Army and FAA all have manuals that admit a “flat nonrotating earth”. Why would they create their flight dynamics manuals that all assume a flat nonrotating earth model when we’re told our Earth is a sphere spinning and hurling through space at millions of miles per hour? Don’t they need their calculations to be exact so they don’t crash their multi-million dollar aircraft and endanger military personnel and/or civilians?

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) assumes a flat Earth when training pilots using their Target Generation Facility. This document describes their engineering analysis and design of Aircraft Dynamics where they 1) “assume a flat earth” and 2) “ignore Earth rotation and gravity vector” completely!

8 Horizon always rises to eye level.

If Earth were a sphere of 24,901 miles in circumference, there would be a physical horizon due to the physical curvature of the globe. If you’ve ever been on a plane, you’ve seen the horizon rise to eye level. If Earth were a ball, the horizon would not rise but would drop since you cannot see behind the physical curve. This is observable, repeatable and measurable empirical science!

Think about it, if you hold a basketball in front of you then lower it straight down, will you ever see the other side of that ball? Now if you put your head down on a straight sidewalk so that your chin touches the cement, when you raise your head, do you see more of the horizon? Every time. The fact that the horizon always rises to your eye level proves Earth is a flat and level plane!

9 NASA astronauts debunk themselves!

The Van Allen radiation belts make space travel and Moon missions impossible! NASA astronauts like Terry Virts and Kelly Smith even admit we cannot get past Low Earth Orbit (99-1200 miles). How then did we magically fly past them 12 times (6 moon missions) unscathed from 1969-1972?

These impenetrable “radiation belts” are also known as the Firmament. The Bible talks about this on page 1 in Genesis!


Plane flight routes. Hundreds of flights every day make fuel and emergency stops that make no sense on a globe. But they make perfect sense on a flat earth! Every long distance flight from a city in the Southern hemisphere to another city in the Southern hemisphere goes to connecting locations in the Northern hemisphere first. Why? On a globe this is a much longer flight path and uses a lot more gas and time. No airline in their right mind would take this longer path. After all, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. And on a flat Earth map, these flight routes follow a straight line!


Download my Top 10 FE Proofs in PDF here >>>

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Did you know bodies of water do not bend or curve? That’s why it’s called Sea Level!

Why does a Spirit Level use water? Because water is always level!

The surface of water always finds its level and there is no flat surface on a sphere. Bendy water goes against the laws of physics.

Unless you are “The Last Airbender”, bodies of water cannot and do not bend. That’s why it’s called Sea Level and not Sea Curve.

Why Would They Lie?

This is the most common question asked when one first hears the truth about flat earth. Why would they lie?

All corrupt governments throughout history have lied for the same reasons. The same reasons they lied about evolution, Big bang theory, fluoride, MSG, aspartame, cancer, the moon landing, 9/11, C0vid, etc – 


Power, Control, and Money to fund the puppets. More power for them means less power for We the People.


They want us to believe we’re a random, godless accident that evolved from primordial soup to monkeys spinning on a ball flying through space, and can randomly be taken out by an asteroid any day! This fills us with fear and no life purpose which makes us easier to control. Since there’s no room for God in their pagan, sun worshipping, Heliocentric, spinning-ball space-monkey religion, it’s easier for people to look to the government for answers. Then they continue to lie to us through mainstream government-controlled media while stealing more of our money through taxes which gives them even more power & control over us. This is what we’ve all been indoctrinated with since kindergarten.


What are they afraid of? In a nutshell, the elite are afraid of losing control, power, and money. Same exact thing all corrupt communist/Marxist governments constantly seek more of!


Here are 3 main areas that would be in turmoil if flat earth truth were exposed to the public.

(Thanks Mark Sargent!)


1. The Institutions would be in jeopardy starting with Academics. All Universities with Astrophysics & Astronomy departments would be shut down as they adjust their records, books, facilities, etc, to adjust for the new flat earth model. NASA gets $70 Million a day ($25.4 Billion in fiscal year 2023) of our taxpayer money! Do you really think they would do anything to jeopardize their $70 Million dollar daily cash cow? Also all the Physical Sciences like Biology, Geology, Astrology, Archaeology, etc. would need to be retooled for this new shocking truth. Evolution and credibility in Science would be all but dead too!


2. World Markets would be in chaos and would need to close or suspend trading for a couple of months. The Stock Market is already affected by little skirmishes which cause ripples, what do you think would happen if the media dropped this gigantic flat earth truth bomb? The geopolitical climate would change overnight and would most likely greatly affect world markets.


3. This would suddenly give all major Religions of the world more validity like Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. This truth would suddenly substantiate the Bible which confirms an immovable stationary flat earth with a dome firmament, while at the same time discrediting Scientism. Intelligent design would be vindicated overnight and the theory of evolution would vanish into thin air! All of these major religions would claim a part of this new flat earth truth claiming an all-powerful creator. The Science-Religion debate would finally come to an end as real science would support the creation exactly as it’s shown in the Bible.


If you cannot figure out why it matters; that the people running your world, are lying to you, over and over, your entire life, and are trying to control you, you are deeply enslaved.


Suppression of information and discouraging critical thinking is how they gain absolute control over your life. If they control your Behavior, your Information, your Thoughts (or ways of thinking) and your Emotions, then you are in a cult – the cult of Scientism!  


Once they start lying to you about where you live; they have you under their control.


And if they’re lying about where you live and how you were created, what else are they lying about?